

Basistabel foto of bijlage


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
uuid uuid 2147483647 gen_random_uuid()
geom geometry 2147483647 null
periode tstzrange 2147483647 tstzrange(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL::timestamp with time zone)
gebruiker varchar 255 CURRENT_USER
schema text 2147483647 null
tabel text 2147483647 null
obj_uuid uuid 2147483647 null
mime text 2147483647 null
blob bytea 2147483647 null
exif jsonb 2147483647 null
rd_x numeric 0 null
rd_y numeric 0 null
naam varchar 255 null
bijzonderheden text 2147483647 null
plusinfo jsonb 2147483647 null

Optionele velden


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
bijlage_pkey Primary key Asc uuid
bijlage_geom_idx Performance Asc geom
bijlage_obj_uuid_idx Performance Asc obj_uuid
bijlage_periode_idx Performance Asc periode
bijlage_schema_idx Performance Asc schema
bijlage_tabel_idx Performance Asc tabel
